Conversations with Actors at MIC Lab
Using Actors
MIC Lab recommends using standardized clients for recording conversations in order to make the difficulty level equal and allow for the demonstration of various MI skills.
The actors simulate clients/patients and:
* have been trained to enable you to show your MI skills
* provide the same conditions for all
* do not raise any confidentiality issues
* engage in telephone conversations
* upload recorded conversations
* standardize the conversations for fair MIC Lab certification
* offer an opportunity to demonstrate your MI skills in a 20-minute conversation.
Scenario for Standardized Patients / Clients (SP)
Before the conversation, you will receive a description of the type of client who will be calling and the reason for their call. You will be informed of the target behavior for the conversation (e.g. "stop smoking"). You are not expected to be an expert in the target behavior, but you will be provided with relevant information about it. You have the freedom to choose a scenario that you feel comfortable with.
Instructions for the conversation provider:
The SP will call you at the number you provide when scheduling your conversation in the calendar. The call will be made at the time you specified, and your conversation will be recorded. The SP will upload the recorded conversation to The conversation will be coded, and you will be able to listen to it once it is coded.